Friday 17 October 2014

Feling Sluggish

Mornings are always a bit of a rush as in most households. The taxi picks her up at about 8 20.
I get up first and then  wake my daughter . She gets showered and dressed and I get her breakfast while she puts on her shoes. as in most things she is fairly independent these days although I probably still do more than I should because of the time.
Sometimes I have time for a shower while she dresses sometimes I shower while she has breakfast. This norning was one of these days complicated by the fact that the dhildren are allowed to wear their own clothes on Friday so not being super organized an outfit had to be put together.
 i rushed down to get the chosen breakfast rice cakes , cheese and grapes and barefoot took it to the table , i felt something cold and damp under my foot, it was a baby slug! ugh!

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