Friday 17 October 2014

Feling Sluggish

Mornings are always a bit of a rush as in most households. The taxi picks her up at about 8 20.
I get up first and then  wake my daughter . She gets showered and dressed and I get her breakfast while she puts on her shoes. as in most things she is fairly independent these days although I probably still do more than I should because of the time.
Sometimes I have time for a shower while she dresses sometimes I shower while she has breakfast. This norning was one of these days complicated by the fact that the dhildren are allowed to wear their own clothes on Friday so not being super organized an outfit had to be put together.
 i rushed down to get the chosen breakfast rice cakes , cheese and grapes and barefoot took it to the table , i felt something cold and damp under my foot, it was a baby slug! ugh!

Tuesday 7 October 2014


We have just come back from our wonderful local judo club- westerleigh  They train mainstream and special needs people together and it is fabulous to see my daughter totally included and having a whale of a time . The first couple of times she went we had tears half way through and she would 'freeze' and not do anything . They woukd just say, 'she's having a moment' and wait until she came out of it.Now as the result of their patience and encouragement  she joins in with everything giggling away. It was brilliant tonight seeing her being raught by an older girl who herself has learning difficulties but who was wonderful with her. My daughter got the award tonight for this evenings work and progress.  i was so proud of her!

Thursday 2 October 2014

I'm No masterchef!

The first night i brought my daughter home-after i eventually got her to bed i lay in bed and thought 'i'm going to have to take her back tomorrow-I d'on't know how i an going o feed her, ; I was really in a panic. The most I usually managed to do was hurl a baked potato in the general direction of the microwave. i had a plan worked out for education which i thought (wrongly as it turned out) would be the least of my worries but i hadn't given food a second thought.The realizaion that i would be responsivle for everything that would go into her mouth was overwhelming. The next morning i got up and cooked noodles fried egg and soy sauce and after that we didn't look back!
Today for pudding we had stewed apple and the last of the raspberries- both from the garden with apple and mango yogurt, .
The verdict ? 'That was really nice.' i might not be masterchef bu i think i've cracked it!